Sol Comparte recuerdos All in one written communication Streaming de eventos Dibujos con amor Envío de flores Mensajes de amor Olvido Dolores Amor Recuerdos Compartir Comunicación

Bring together
those you love

Because one thing that is even more beautiful than remembering a person who has sadly departed, is sharing our memories with those who also loved them.

We know that losing a loved one is one of the most profound experiences that we may go through in our lifetimes..

Moreover, we know that there is no technology that can replace a hug. We are convinced, however, of its capacity to help, offering a space to share all your warmth and memories…

...and you have already shared


messages of love

Melchor Jiménez Gaona to ALFREDO P

Mi más sentido pésame para mi estimada familia Peña Becerra, les envío un fuerte abrazo fraterno y espero Dios reciba a mi estimado amigo Alfredo con gloria divina!!!


Erika Skinfill to TOMAS H

Gracias por tus pláticas, por todos los momentos, por los chistes que me enviabas por wp por que me cantabas las mañanitas en mis cumpleaños, Abuelo te vas con todo el amor que mereces,nunca te voy a olvidar, es imposible olvidar a las personas maravillosas como tu.


Cecilia Rivadeneira to RIVADENEIRA C

Las personas mueren únicamente cuando se olvidan, desempolvaremos los mejores recuerdos Leito y serán siempre recuerdos mágicos los que permitirán que siempre sigas vivo entre nosotros.


Roberto Hernandez Aguilar to HUGO D

Querido Hugo, vuela alto. Siempre serás recordado. Descansa en Paz.



Gracias por darme tantos recuerdos maravillosos para atesorar. Siempre te recordaré con amor y gratitud.


Miguel Ángel Flores to Martha B

Marthita, no nos despedimos, siempre estarás en nuestro pensamiento en cada orquídea que florezca y en cada flor que se plante para ti. En cada plática con pan y café que nos hacías, los días de beis, en cada momento que compartimos. Gracias por tu franca sonrisa y calidez 



Querida Nelly y Dayana mi corazón junto a ustedes en estos momentos de dolor q compartimos


Liz Godoy to ELVIA G

A la tía más chingonona, tu recuerdo, enseñanzas y ejemplo de fortaleza permanecen.Descansa en paz, te quiero.


Ruth Nunez to IRMA L

Por tu paciencia infinita y tu amor incondicional, no habrá ninguna igual.. te amamos mami Te. 


Javier Carlos to PEDRO A

Papá: A pesar de los tiempos difíciles que te tocó vivir, sacaste a tu familia adelante. Te agradezco mucho lo poco que pudimos convivir y las cosas que me enseñaste. Agradecemos tu cariño. Mis hijos se sienten orgullosos de haber tenido un abuelo como tú. Javi y familia.

All in one written communication Envío de flores Ceremonia Localización All in one written communication

All in one written communication

We want to make it as easy as possible to inform people of your loved one’s death, allowing you to send one message to all the contacts of your choosing. You should not have to go through it over and over again.

Anyone who receives the notification will be able to find out about any scheduled events, confirm their attendance, be notified of any changes, write messages or publish a drawing, in the case of children.

Moreover, if you have requested it, they will be able to watch live-streamed ceremonies or watch recordings once they have come to an end, all by sending one written communication.

Olvido Dolores Just for you and your loved ones

Just for you and your loved ones

Invite to the family area only the closest people, with whom you would like to share photos that bring back great memories, perhaps a poem, a letter, thoughts based on love and affection, reflections, typical phrases or quotes... They will also be able to do the same, allowing the memories to flow.

Send flowers in just 2 clicks

Send flowers in just 2 clicks

NextLives is a platform integrated into the software of each funeral company, making it easier for families not only to communicate but also shop online, allowing anyone you have invited to make a purchase and send flowers without having to indicate the destination or the name of the deceased. All they will have to do is select the arrangement and complete their payment.

Private and secure

Private and secure

None of the “In memoriam of” pages are indexed by Google or any other search engine. That way, only people who have been invited may access the page. To publish a message, request access to the family area or simply confirm their participation, they must have previously registered using their mobile phone number, which will be verified with an OTP code sent by SMS.

Always in your language

Always in your language

NextLives is available in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Catalan, Basque and Polish. Everyone can write in their own language and the platform will detect the language of the operating system or browser that they are using, allowing people to browse automatically in their default language choice.